Autohelm ST4000 Settings for e38


e38 Skipper
I have an older model wheel mounted ST4000 on my e38. After much time tinkering with calibration settings and replacing the belt drive unit (after it popped off when docking...yikes), it seems to be working adequately in light conditions. It does, however, veer 20-30 degrees off course from weatherhelm/waves in moderate gusts (15 knots).

I understand the limitations of wheel units and importance of sail trim to keep it balanced. From reading other posts, perhaps this performance is as good as I'll ever get. I am interested, though, if anyone has found the right recipe of calibration settings for this autopilot/boat combination.

I suppose the rudder gain and rudder damping are the key settings to get right. I have increased both settings to about midway between the min (1) and max (9) values. But maybe its just the trim level setting that matters in this case, though.

Have any other e38 skippers found precise combination of adjustment settings that give better performance?
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