Quick visual summary of projects completed to date

The image below summarizes the main projects completed on our 1981 E28+ during our first year-and-a-half of boat ownership (any boat ownership, not just this one). The various posts on this site were instrumental in providing guidance and encouragement to more boldly go where it might not have made sense to otherwise, so first off a note of appreciation to the various posters and moderators who make this site so useful.


It likely would have been more useful for us to have been posting continuously over this time adding our own experience to the various relevant forum posts, but I couldn't find the bandwidth to make this happen earlier. Thus, this is a hopefully better-late-than-never attempt to catch up, albeit in a less than optimal fashion with respect to searching, links to existing forums, etc.

The intent in posting this single image summarizing our projects to date is to provide a quick way for anyone with a similar boat to see what we have done, and if there are particular things where more detail would be of interest, then other posts could be spawned or appended to as appropriate to drill into the specifics of what we found for our particular boat.

The general priorities driving these projects were to address cabin smells, fix rain leaks (especially those with more damaging side effects), replace aged canvas, and to improve the overall sailing experience. Most projects bred other projects, and there is still more to do, but most the major issues have been dealt with, at least for now.

Since we didn't get the boat to do projects, one principle we tried to maintain throughout was to not have the boat ever so torn apart that we couldn't go sailing on any given day. We farmed out the re-powering and bottom painting, and the photo posted here was taken in December 2020 during our own haul out for a couple days, but other than these instances, we were able to sail throughout, at least within the limits of COVID.

One side effect of having had some of the work done for us was to see how much could be saved by doing what we could by ourselves, and to justify the always fun purchase of appropriate tools, as well as to always buy extra materials to practice on (kind of a measure twice, cut once, learn what you should have measured, cut again process). Other than bumping my head an inordinate number of times, the work has generally been fun and interesting on several levels. Of course, many of these things fall in the category of "it's fun to do one, but it's a chore to do four", so we'll see how we feel when things need ongoing repeat attention.

Happy to provide more details as might be helpful to others. In most instances there are already forum postings covering the things we encountered, but there were also cases in which our particular boat had its own peculiarities.