Zipped pdf software

gareth harris

Sustaining Member
What software do you need to read the specifications sections that are listed as 'zipped pdf'? I can not seem to get them to come up on the library computers.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
"There's an Ericson file in there, Somewhere... !"

"ZIP" refers a common type of file compression software. It makes the file smaller for faster upload and download for us end users. It also helps to protect the information in the file, to some extent, as I understand things, from data corruption on its way through the wilds of the internet.
Any Windows or Mac or Linux computer should be able to "expand" any zip'd file with a free expansion utility. If you are using a library computer, they may have some restrictions on accepting compressed files due to (valid) fears of bringing viri if they are using the Windoz OS, and general concerns about enabling piracy and porn no matter what OS they use. Ask the librarian for assistance, is what I'd do.

Second part of the answer: after you uncompress the file, you need the free reader application from Adobe, "Accrobat Reader" to view/copy/print the file. That should also be present on the computer you are using, IMO.

All the Best,
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Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Docs Archive Software

There are links to the free unzipping/unstuffing/pdf reader utilities at the top of the docs index as well. In the PC world, these utilities typically come free with your computer - but you can download copies of them if you don't already have them.

Oh - also - for those of you unaware - when we talk about 'zip' files, or 'pdf' files - we're referring to the type of computer file it is - what application it is specific to. In the case of pdf (portable data format) files, they are files coming from Adobe Acrobat - and carry the extension (in PC, not Mac) of '.pdf'. Zip files are from WinZip and carry the extension '.zip' - etc.
