Singlehanded Transpac race on


O34 - Los Angeles
Thanks for posting, I would have missed it. Commanding lead by the guy in the Hobie 33 given waterline length, and they haven't even come to the downwind part yet.

I'm rooting for the Express 37 given it's a second cousin to my boat. Would love to get around to doing this event some day.

Alan Gomes

Sustaining Partner
Brian Boschma tells me that several of the boats are using his Pelagic autopilot this year. It will be interesting to see how it does.


Sustaining Member
Blogs Author

The beautiful Hinckley Sea Wisdom is sailing wing-on-wing only (no spinnaker) and pulling up the rear.

The Hobie 33 manned by an experienced young guy continues to skate ahead.

I hope Christian finds steadier wind than these racers have had.