Replacing rubber seals on main (large) windows/ports [Master Thread]


Junior Member
Worth noting is the rubber seal has a mind of it's own when it comes to the radius. I placed a heavy object on top of the seal in place to help get it to take the shape (attached photo). A little bit of heat from the heat gun also helps relax the rubber.
Hope this will be of help to others!

Curious if you have any tips for corners and the seam with the rubber seal. I just got my first window set in and the rubber seal was popping out at the corners (particularly the acute corner) and also wanted to get squeezed into the gap as I brought the two halves together creating wrinkles. Got it done, but a bit of a mess and some puckers I'm not happy with. Might leave em, but might pull apart and try again. I see you used a weight to hold it in shape for a bit (with heat gun). You happy with that approach for the corners?


Member III
I has used aluminum foil, rolled into a ball to rub off corrosion on my mast. It is softer then the mast so it does not mar the finish, but help clean it up.