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New owner of a 1976 Ericson 29


Junior Member
My wife and I are the new owners of an Ericson. We have very limited sailing experience, and will be using this boat as our learning curve for possible future, bigger endeavors. I fell in love with a 1973 Ericson 32 that my buddy bought last year. I have been sailing it with him quite a bit, so when I decided to buy my own I purposely went looking for a mid 70's Ericson. I don't think I have to explain to all of you the reasons why!

Anyways, the Bella di Mare seems to have provided us with a pretty good starting point...good hull, beautiful interior, decent everything else. In the month since getting her, we have installed an upgraded battery charger with a bank of three new batteries. We also did a full tune up on the diesel, including new filters and an oil runs awesome. We ended up replacing the head and all associated lines as well. The boat had a funky smell that no amount of cleaning could address, and the old lines ended up being the culprit. Plus we went with an electric head...more money, but ultimately a lot easier for my 4 and 6 year olds to use. Finally, I installed a bluetooth receiver unit, and four speakers...two in, two out. Need music.

Next up will be hauling it out to do the bottom painting, refinishing all the exterior wood, and a full topside buff/wax/detailing. Then with the addition of a dinghy/outboard it will be safe enough for the family and ready for springtime, although I will be looking to address rigging and then possibly sails through the summer. I also am looking for ideas on how to update the galley. I want to tear out the old alcohol stove, and install a fridge. Or possibly upgrade the existing ice box to a cool box. Wondering what some of you may have done with your galley, and hoping to get some ideas.

Seems like a great community. I'm in Marina del Rey, so please reach out to me if you are as well. I look forward to it.


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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Welcome! Sounds like you have already done a lot.

You might review the blogs here to see if any completed member projects coincide with your plans.

There are half a dozen folks on the forum located at MDR and more nearby who can help with contacts for mechanics, sailmakers and other local stuff.

For some interesting comments on a boatyard for hauling and bottom painting, try this:

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
Congratulations on your new boat, and on all the improvements you have done so far! Regarding the galley, we added an icebox conversion kit to our icebox and have been very happy with it. It is easy to install, and has worked well for us. We installed the Norcold brand, but there is also a Nova Kool which is worth checking out. The Norcold keeps everything cold, doesn't use too much electricity and has been good for us.



Sustaining Member
welcome, you have come the right place for all the support you and your boat could ever wish for. We look forward to following your adventures!:egrin:

Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
Congrats on the new to you E29, I have had my boat for almost 10 years and love her more than the day I bought her. The first day I was at Rome Sailing Club checking the place out I saw her and fell in love and bought her three years later. I removed the alcohol cook top and made storage that I use and the pressure alcohol I would never use. I have wanted to add a ice box conversion but it hasn't made it to the top of the list.

Good luck and enjoy, you may find that the 29 is a great size boat, big enough to enjoy for a week of two cruise and small enough to manage and afford.

Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Welcome Aboard!

We bought our a Ericson 2 1/2 years ago and this forum was a big reason for the purchase. There's a wealth of information here along with the camaraderie of fellow "E" owners (even some with the same model).

The downloads section is being restored since a cyber attack a few months ago. You will find invaluable info there about everything Ericson!

Good luck and welcome aboard!


Member I
Congratulations and Welcome

Great boat choice! We took the plunge last May with very little experience in sailing or boat maintenance. We are down in Redondo at the Portofino. This is a great blog and we have learned so much from it. See you out in the bay!


Junior Member

Wow! Thanks for all the replies!

Since I posted this, my wife and I went out today with two friends and pulled the sails for the first time. We ended up sailing all the way to PV! On the way back, we saw a pod of whales, and watched them surface numerous times. Also saw a bunch of seals and sea lions on the buoys on the way in. We ended up coming back on motor after the wind died, just as the sun went down. Complete magic. The $10k I spent has already been justified. It's all gravy from here...


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Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Wow! Thanks for all the replies!

Since I posted this, my wife and I went out today with two friends and pulled the sails for the first time. We ended up sailing all the way to PV! On the way back, we saw a pod of whales, and watched them surface numerous times. Also saw a bunch of seals and sea lions on the buoys on the way in. We ended up coming back on motor after the wind died, just as the sun went down. Complete magic. The $10k I spent has already been justified. It's all gravy from here...


We have a gale warning with temps in the teens coming to the Florida Gulf Coast in the next two days.

Enjoy that boat!:rolleyes:


New Member
The Bella De Mare was named after my daughter.

I owned the "Bella De Mare" from 2000 to 2011. Sad to sell her. Had many trips to Catalina and spent months at a time sailing her around the Island. Awesome boat.Bella.jpg
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New Member
This was our old boat from 2000-2011

My wife and I are the new owners of an Ericson. We have very limited sailing experience, and will be using this boat as our learning curve for possible future, bigger endeavors. I fell in love with a 1973 Ericson 32 that my buddy bought last year. I have been sailing it with him quite a bit, so when I decided to buy my own I purposely went looking for a mid 70's Ericson. I don't think I have to explain to all of you the reasons why!

Anyways, the Bella di Mare seems to have provided us with a pretty good starting point...good hull, beautiful interior, decent everything else. In the month since getting her, we have installed an upgraded battery charger with a bank of three new batteries. We also did a full tune up on the diesel, including new filters and an oil runs awesome. We ended up replacing the head and all associated lines as well. The boat had a funky smell that no amount of cleaning could address, and the old lines ended up being the culprit. Plus we went with an electric head...more money, but ultimately a lot easier for my 4 and 6 year olds to use. Finally, I installed a bluetooth receiver unit, and four speakers...two in, two out. Need music.

Next up will be hauling it out to do the bottom painting, refinishing all the exterior wood, and a full topside buff/wax/detailing. Then with the addition of a dinghy/outboard it will be safe enough for the family and ready for springtime, although I will be looking to address rigging and then possibly sails through the summer. I also am looking for ideas on how to update the galley. I want to tear out the old alcohol stove, and install a fridge. Or possibly upgrade the existing ice box to a cool box. Wondering what some of you may have done with your galley, and hoping to get some ideas.
Seems like a great community. I'm in Marina del Rey, so please reach out to me if you are as well. I look forward to it.​

Hi there....My husband and I owned this beautiful boat and had so many wonderful, amazing times on board. I know every ex-boat owner who sells the boat asks this of the buyer, but PLEASE don't change the name....She's named after our daughter Isabella aka Bella (Beauty Of The Sea)....she grew up on this boat. You will experience all kinds of amazing wildlife aboard her. We once had to sail home at night (NOT a personal favorite) and dolphins followed us the entire night. It sounds like you love this vessel. We did too. It's just the right size, very agile and comfortable. Your upgrades sound wonderful. We ended up selling her because we weren't able to go out much, with work schedules...My husband and I had her out in San Pedro, which I personally liked because it's such a straight shot to 2 Harbs....Good luck and I wish you every to see more pictures too....this boat is blessed beyond....enjoy!​


Member III
Welcome to the Ericson Family

As the 14 year owner of a 1971 E29 All I can is that I really love me boat. I often out sail newboats. The 29 like about 15 to 17 degrees of heal for the fastest speeds. The MORC racing rules was based on your waterline. The 29 water grows by two feet or so when you heel her over. To much heel, like rail down, and you will start to slow down. If I stay much more than 20 I will ease by main traveler first to dump a little air.

I replaced by alcohol flame thrower with a single burn KISS Butane stove... Looks nice and it works. I understand they no longer make this stove. I also carry a 29 dollar portable Butane stove, one like you see in an omelet making buffet line as a spare just in case I need more than one burner.

I still use my ice box... I will drop in a 50 pound block, dump 20 pounds of cubes over that to quick cool the box. It will last a week or more in NY.



Junior Member
First post in a long update on Bella di Mare.

Bella F10.jpgWell I've been doing so much sailing, I haven't been doing much posting. Receiving a message today from my boat's previous owner, however, inspired me to return to this forum and update everyone. I really enjoy that this forum exists, and will make an effort to start posting more to support it.

First off, we have not changed the name and have no immediate plans to do so. There was initial discussion, but nothing ever felt quite right, and Bella di Mare is a nice name. I would be very curious to know the name prior to Bella di Mare. We have done a number of other things though. I have refinished the exterior woodwork (some little bit's left, but most of it), added an auto-pilot, a two burner alcohol stove, and just got all the interior cushions and seat backs re-upholstered with dark blue sunbrella fabric. That was huge. I also replaced the genoa with a slightly smaller one than the monster that came with it, and some new sheets.

Still on the to do list? I want to refinish the wood at the galley area and the ladder. I am also currently chasing a handful of leaks, rarely an issue here in Southern CA, but we've had a few good rains this season. The mast paint is all chipped up, and the mast light doesn't at some point I'd like to address this. I have a number of thru-hulls that need to be changed soon, one that has a very small, currently managed leak. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with where she's at. She looks beautiful, sails wonderfully, and has provided my family so many amazing times.

I just spent this past weekend in Catalina. I went with friends or family eleven times last year, and eight the year before that. I try to sail at least 3-4 times/month in addition to that. We have caught dozens of kinds of fish and even brought in a 5' mako shark that fed 25 people tacos on the beach at Catalina. From her deck we have watched whales too many times to count, dolphins, sea lions, mola mola....and we even saw a sea turtle. About 18 months ago, my son started sailing with the CYC Junior Sailors, which then led to us joining the California Yacht Club last year. Making new friends that love to sail (and talk endlessly about boats) has been great. To say our Ericson has given us a lot would be an understatement.

Oh....I almost forgot one more thing. My good friend started to enjoy sailing with me, but then work took him to St. Pete, FL around two years ago. A week after he moved there I decided to look on his local Craigslist. I don't even know what made me think to do it....but there it was.... a 1977 Ericson 32, inboard diesel, good sails bbq, etc, etc.....a few days later he bought it for $7k. It was meant to be, and now we consider our boats as sisters on opposite coasts. He has put a lot of work into it and the Grey Finn is a real beauty. We are putting together plans to sail it to Cuba next year or the year after, leaving out of St. Pete, down to the Keys and then across.

As you can see, Bella di Mare has become quite a large part of our life. :)
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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Well now. I was just pointing out to my wife a relatively new arrival with a slip well placed for observation.

"That is an Ericson, my dear. Note the fuel cans on deck, and the generally yar appearance. Observe the lines, gracious and sea kindly. Ain't it grand to observe Bruce King's work from this vantage, why, it shows what a good eye is all about."

She looked carefully, and replied:

"Don't you ever stop talking?"

Anyway, Geoff, Welcome to CYC. I'm just off the flagpole, come look at the wreckage sometime.



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New Member
"Bella Di Mare"

Well I've been doing so much sailing, I haven't been doing much posting. Receiving a message today from my boat's previous owner, however, inspired me to return to this forum and update everyone. I really enjoy that this forum exists, and will make an effort to start posting more to support it.

First off, we have not changed the name and have no immediate plans to do so. There was initial discussion, but nothing ever felt quite right, and Bella di Mare is a nice name. I would be very curious to know the name prior to Bella di Mare. We have done a number of other things though. I have refinished the exterior woodwork (some little bit's left, but most of it), added an auto-pilot, a two burner alcohol stove, and just got all the interior cushions and seat backs re-upholstered with dark blue sunbrella fabric. That was huge. I also replaced the genoa with a slightly smaller one than the monster that came with it, and some new sheets.

Still on the to do list? I want to refinish the wood at the galley area and the ladder. I am also currently chasing a handful of leaks, rarely an issue here in Southern CA, but we've had a few good rains this season. The mast paint is all chipped up, and the mast light doesn't at some point I'd like to address this. I have a number of thru-hulls that need to be changed soon, one that has a very small, currently managed leak. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with where she's at. She looks beautiful, sails wonderfully, and has provided my family so many amazing times.

I just spent this past weekend in Catalina. I went with friends or family eleven times last year, and eight the year before that. I try to sail at least 3-4 times/month in addition to that. We have caught dozens of kinds of fish and even brought in a 5' mako shark that fed 25 people tacos on the beach at Catalina. From her deck we have watched whales too many times to count, dolphins, sea lions, mola mola....and we even saw a sea turtle. About 18 months ago, my son started sailing with the CYC Junior Sailors, which then led to us joining the California Yacht Club last year. Making new friends that love to sail (and talk endlessly about boats) has been great. To say our Ericson has given us a lot would be an understatement.

Oh....I almost forgot one more thing. My good friend started to enjoy sailing with me, but then work took him to St. Pete, FL around two years ago. A week after he moved there I decided to look on his local Craigslist. I don't even know what made me think to do it....but there it was.... a 1977 Ericson 32, inboard diesel, good sails bbq, etc, etc.....a few days later he bought it for $7k. It was meant to be, and now we consider our boats as sisters on opposite coasts. He has put a lot of work into it and the Grey Finn is a real beauty. We are putting together plans to sail it to Cuba next year or the year after, leaving out of St. Pete, down to the Keys and then across.

As you can see, Bella di Mare has become quite a large part of our life. :)

"Sweet Sue" was the name of the boat before "Bella Di Mare" and she was purchased her in Ventura.