New EY.o Splash Screen Page

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
By request - I've just created a new page that will (when it's finished) show all the images from the front page rotation.

From the front page, follow the link that appears above the image: "Want to see all the splash screen images? Click here..." You can also just click on the image itself...

Comments are welcome...:egrin:


Chris Miller

Sustaining Member
very cool...

Very cool, Sean! That was an excellent suggestion by one of our board members, and your skills and commitment always make that cool stuff happen. It's really fun to see all the different boats.
Thanks again for all you do, and great suggestion by Masallah- I used to just keep clicking the refresh button, this makes it much easier!

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Page Complete...

This page has been completed, more or less (I have a few layout issues to resolve). If anyone sees any incorrect data (ie; an image is yours, or I mis-spelled the name of your boat, etc), please email me.
