Image Thumbnails Completed...

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Ok, I've just finished going through all 2400 attachments in the threads - and there were lots of images that were way too large (when we were not controlling for size on uploads). Images now are shown in threads as 300 pixel thumbnails. Click on the thumbnail to see the original. The dimensional data and file size is also shown so you have an idea of how large the original is.

Even though we now control for dimensional characteristics, please know that we need you to upload attachments in 72 dpi - and nothing larger. If something happens to the database and I have to reconstitute the thumbnails (as I've been doing) the system does not like small dimensions with high resolution, etc.. and it fails.

Again: the target size for image attachments is no larger than 800x600 at 72 dpi...

If you have a high resolution image that you want to show, please contact me, and we'll put something together.

I'll be adding an FAQ on attaching images, modifying your images to get the size right, etc... I'll do this later... I have to study now (I have an exam on Monday) and I'm not supposed to be on the computer, so...
