

Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
Lots of threads on this, but it depends on the age of your boat. Twelve-digit HINs were first required in late 1972. Thereafter, they were usually formed in to the fiberglass in the upper starboard (?) side of the transom by taping a reversed "Dymo" label into the mold. They may be quite worn or filled with layers of paint.
Before that, there may have been a variable - digit hull serial number stamped somewhere or maybe not. On my 1971 boat, it appeared on the old main sail and is stamped into the tiller escutcheon plate, "29-134."
Some people have found the hull number drawn with a marking pen on the back-side of woodwork (i.e. someone at the factory marked which boat the piece was for) but mine just say "29" ("this fits on any 29.")