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Extensive E-27 Re-coring Project

Glyn Judson

Foredeck recoring.

Loren, Your comment about it making you tired just reading it reminds me of the article in Practical Sailor I read 10-15 years ago of a single woman recoring the foredeck all from the underside, all by herself. After her exhaustive description and photos detailing every step, the editor commented at the end of the article, wondering if she wanted to get married. Hotter than the blazes here for SoCal but at least the smoke is blowing the other way. Glyn


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Makes me tired too!

Really tired, since I am the one doing it! :egrin:

It's been exactly a year since I bought the boat. Should have it ready to paint mid month then its on to the fun stuff- hardware and interior. Plan to launch next spring.

Spent today putting up a cover over it so I can work during inclement weather, which it was for a time today, and more just around the corner.



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Doug Just interested in how bad the boat was when you got her and were the soft spots easy to find by walking on the deck? The reason I ask is because I have my eye on a 1976 E27 that I've done a preliminary look over on but because of the price don't think it's worth hiring a surveyor for.
There were no apparent squishy spots on the deck that I could see or feel by walking on it but I'm feeling a little nervous after looking at your project!
I obviously plan on going over the boat more thoroughly myself before laying down the cash but would appreciate any advice or tips on what to look for.
Also what was the extent of the delamination area wise? I know you tore out the whole side deck and fore deck but could it have been possible to just repair the isolated areas or was it totally rotted out? Thanks
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Hi Lloyd- The soft spots on the side decks were very obvious. Spongy when walked on. The foredeck was a little less obvious, but it too was springy. I mostly tapped around with the butt of a screwdriver and listened for the dead spots.

What I found was that there were large areas of the side decks that were completely rotted. Then there were areas that were wet, but still sort of sound, and the top skin was bonded well to these areas. The delaminated areas were in the worst areas of rot only.

I ended up removing all of the side decks and foredecks since I figured I would go ahead and fix it all while I was at it, and I was glad I did. I only found one or two small areas where the core was actually dry. The foredeck was totally rotted at the bow end, extending about two feet back, then it turned solid (but wet) in the middle and more rotten towards the toe rails.

I was very surprised to find just how wet the core was. I figured it would only be wet in the rotted areas.

And yes, its a big job if you have to recore. It's difficult from below due to the liner. And it takes forever from the top. I am still trying to get it ready for paint. Should be priming on Sunday...

Good luck with your decision. May be worth hiring a surveyor if you have any doubts.



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Thanks for the info Doug,yes I think I may just shell out the $400 or so for a surveyor for the peace of mind,probably money well spent even though I have walked the deck and couldn't feel any soft spots during my first cursory look over the boat.
Good luck with the remainder of your project,it looks like you have mostly painting left.I hope you post some pics when you're done. Cheers


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Paint is on! Lousy photos but you get the idea. Now I can start putting all the hardware back on. Perfection for the shiny areas, and KiwiGrip on the non skid.





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Looks like a great job Doug ! Last time I posted on this thread I was still in the process of buying my boat I have owned her for 7 months and plenty of upgrades.
I really like the anti skid,very even look to it.


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