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Engine Mount on '71 E29


Member II
While working on my Atomic 4, I noticed the head of one of the bolts holding the motor mount to the hull was angled. My first thought was the bolt was bent. When I removed to investigate, I found that the bolt is a 3" lag screw with most of the threads corroded off. I bought a new bolt of the same size and tried it. I cannot get it to tighten, the hull threads must be stripped. A larger bolt will not fix in the metal motor mount.

My questions are: How are the engine mounts constructed? Are they blocks of wood that were fiberglassed in place? What are recommended fixes? Someone suggested filling the hole with epoxy and fiberglass strand and re-drilling the hole. Would the fiberglass be too brittle?



Member III

I just finished rebuilding my A4 and the thought of what happened to you came across my mind when I pulled the engine. The only remedy I could come up with is the same as you have already been told. I think the would probly hold, But if you have any doubts you may try Kevlar wich may not be as brittle.

E29 '73
Holy Guacamole


Member III
engine mount

I believe the pan for the motor, including the mount area, is all fiber glass construction. What worked for me was to redrill the hole out a couple sizes, mix up some epoxy, wet some small pieces of fiberglass mat, and push the into the holes. This took several applications, to keep from building up too much heat. Then redrill the holes to the correct size, and screw in the new lag bolts. Wear nitrile gloves, its easier on the hands! Also found the orange-soaked wipes clean up excess epoxy quite well. Good luck, Hodo :cheers: