E-27 Spars

Annapolis E-27

Member III

I am starting to do some rigging work on my 1978 E-27, and as a first step I am trying to verify if I have a standard rig or not. I am familiar with the Kenyon Spars which have a tear drop shape to the cross section, and had thought that was the standard on all E-27s. However, looking through a manual from 1977 on the E-27, it indicates the mast is made by Sparcraft. I had originally thought that someone had replaced my mast, as it did not match the cross section of the Kenyon spars I am familiar with, but now I am wondering if Ericson switched to Sparcraft later in the production run, and what I have is original, or if Ericson used Kenyon spars for the standard rig and used Sparcraft for the high aspect rig. Also, is there any inisignia that might shed light on this I should be looking for on the mast itself?

Any and all thoughts would be appreciated.

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Sustaining Partner

Actually I beieve it was Sparcraft first, Kenyon later, and I am not even certain Kenyon did factory spars for the 27-they(Kenyon) cut a deal with Ericson (at least when I was there) for the later models 28, 30+, etc., and I know there were some replacement Kenyon rigs made for older 27's.

This is not 100%, and it IS possible Kenyon did some factory 27's, but I know for sure it was Sparcraft who did most of 'em (never heard of Seacraft!).

Hope that helps-I think Charleston Spars now has old Sparcraft stock items-but this has been reviewed here on the site and you can confirm this with a search.

Good luck!


Annapolis E-27

Member III
Thanks Seth,

Spellcheck couldn't catch my error of Seacraft when I meant Sparcraft. Any idea how to ID if this is an original Sparcraft or not?


Member II
The stock E27 mast section was a Sparcraft S-107 which was a 4" x 5.8" teardrop profile ~ 2.1 lbs/ft. The boom was an S-104, same shape and roughly 3" x 4".

I used to work for LeFiell and only section that had a similar (teardrop) shape was the L-103 and that was a bit smaller than the Sparcraft 104.
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