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Cockpit Drain Not Draining


Member III
After washing my 30+ this weekend I discovered my port cockpit drain is not draining or flowing properly. This drain connects to a T at the thru hull which is shared by the galley sink. The galley sink is draining without issue, and if I close the thru hull, and blast water in there the sink will fill.

I cleaned out the drain with a snake, stuck a high pressure hose in there and also poured a lot of hot water down the galley drain. Still there is water at deck level of the drain. This drain used to work fine, so it makes me think it is blocked, but after seeing water flow into the sink I'm not so sure. The starboard drain is fine (and does not share a thru hull.) The cockpit drain is the highest point, above the sink. Perhaps there is a slight restriction, and because there is no vent to atmosphere above the drain it won't flow? I'm unsure.

I'm pretty sure the drain is not clogged at this point (and removing the T to access would be very challenging.)


Member III
Have you gone through the entire length of the hose from valve to cockpit fitting?

Yes, I haven't been able to remove the hose, but I have been able to get a water hose down its length (this is how I know if I stick a hose in the cockpit side and turn it on, that the sink will fill if the thru hull is closed.)

Tin Kicker

Sustaining Member
Gee, I'd never do something that dumb and basic.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Confirm there is no sag in the cockpit drain hose when full. Sometimes a line is required to resist sag.

Otherwise, since the drain once worked, plumbing hates 90-degree turns, which is what that T-fitting is. Look for a clog there.


Contributing Partner
How about trying a simple fix? Get a toilet bowl plunger,preferably clean one, jam it firmly to the deck drain and pump vigorously to see what you can push out! It’s worth a try. Be prepared that it could push gunk into the sink, though.

Glenn McCarthy

Glenn McCarthy
Close the seacock. Remove all hoses and visually inspect inside of each. I find using a hair dryer and heating the hose around any connection fitting softens the plastic making it easier to uninstall and heat it again to re-install. Once all hoses reinstalled, open the seacock.


Member III
All good advice, I will have to try the plunger and removing the hoses if its not resolved. I had my diver come out to clean my hull and replace my zincs and had him snake it from below the water line and a bunch of black organic gunk came out apparently - perhaps something swam up there and died. It sounds like my theory of venting doesn't resonate - so that's good.