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Assistance with private party boat transfer


Member III
Blogs Author
Hello all,

Apologies in advance if this is not an appropriate to post this. I would like to purchase a sailboat from a friend that has his boat in Mexico on a Temporary Import Permit. It has never been listed for sale through any broker. The boat is USCG documented and is from California.

We are interested in getting assistance with processing all associated title, TIP, and other procedures necessary to legally and efficiently process the transfer of title and ownership of the vessel. The transfer will be between two individuals that are US citizens and California residents. The boat will remain in Mexico for at least 1 year after sale.

Can you recommend a reputable individual or firm that can assist with this? A quick read of trying to DIY the transfer reveals several potential failure points, and would much rather have someone experienced handle the transfer.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Sustaining Member
You need to contact a "yacht agent". A decent yacht broker should be able to suggest one or more. Yacht agents do exactly what you are asking about as well as other matters relating to documents, travel, insurance, etc related to the peculiar operations of yachts, on behalf of the yacht owners or prospective owners.

Pete the Cat

Sustaining Member
Contact the fellow at New England Marine. His office is in Alameda CA despite the title of his business. He is extremely reliable and knows all the ins and outs of all manner of transfers. I think you will have a specific issue with the TIP in Mexico if it came in with one owner and out with another (but the Mexican Port Captains are different and do not try to bribe them no matter what anyone tells you) because they are going to think the transaction took place in Mexico. You can go to international waters to transact, but that gets complicated. I forgot his name, but the fellow there is the go to guy on the West Coast for documentation and transfers. I have used him a couple times.