A Day Offshore in an Ericson 381


Member III
Blogs Author
Thanks Christian! Have to say, that metal spatula caught my eye right away. I’d never hear the end of that at home. Might just have to try it on board one of these days!

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
"Relationships" can be, um, adversely affected by the misapplication of a metal utensil to a non-stick coated pan...! :esad:

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
Nice. The quiet cabin at the end, the gently rocking stove seemed like the boat breathing.
You've probably addressed this elsewhere, but how much propane do you plan for one way? Do you collect rain water?


E35-3 - New Jersey
What was a serene, beautiful tale turned into an unexpected horror story midway through when you brought out the Spam. I had to watch through my fingers. Very enjoyable video otherwise. :)


Contributing Partner
Christian, as a long time consumer of SPAM I have to take exception on how you prepare a meal with it. My preferred way is to pan fry slices (not chunks) throw some cheese over the slice in the pan, cover to melt. Lay it all on a slice of artisan bread with some dark brown mustard. Yum! Leave the hearts of palm for the camel.


Member III
My parents had a pre-nuptial agreement. if vacation was to be spent in a tent or on the boat, Dad had to prepare the meals. I’ve always associated a can of sardines, saltine crackers, instant oatmeal with raisins, and scrambled eggs and spam with adventure and the very best of times. Imagine my surprise that the admiral doesn’t feel the same.


Contributing Partner
We just finish the first half (sitting in a transient slip typing this) of our first overnight trip on the bay but before we did we made sure to stock up on “boat bacon”! Three sometimes hard to find half-cans which are ideal for two people unless of course the other person hates SPAM which then just leaves more for me. These cans are 25% less sodium like that going to make it healthy. :geek:


Member II
While making food models for one of our nutrition education studies, I had the bright idea to clean out the spam can in the bathroom and just flush the contents.... BAD idea! Even in a high power flush toilet in a medical school, I panicked as the spam got stuck and the greasy water level began to rise :oops: Took about 30 flushes with probing to get it to go down. I'm sure this would be far worse on a boat, so don't get any bright ideas for disposal in the head!

and yes....the spam was in the not to eat category!


E38 - Vashon
Click on "Watch on YouTube" for High Definition.

I tend to save up your new videos to watch at a special time, so just recently watched this one.
You're making it awfully hard to pick a favorite.
Kudos, blessings, appreciation, etc. You contribute quality to the experience of being human.
Just sayin...