Ericson 25CB Resurrection

This is the ongoing story and documentation of the resurrection of a 1973 Ericson 25CB called "Janie Ann". I chose the term "Resurrection" rather than "restoration" deliberately as we view this project as an effort to give a beautiful Ericson a new life with minor changes or upgrades where appropriate without significantly altering the original design. We believe the selective usage of modern materials and components can enhance the resurrection, but does prevent a pure "restoration".

Her current condition was quite severe when we bought her in the fall of 2014, with extensive core damage on the deck and cabin top and we believe she would have soon ended up in the scrap yard. After many years of loving work she has been relaunched and renamed the "Janie Ann in the fall of 2019. This blog detailed her care, resurrection, and her eventual relaunch. We went into this project with "eyes wide open", viewing this as a project to be enjoyed, a journey to be savored. This is my first ongoing blog, so your patience, kindness, and constructive feedback is much appreciated.
