UPDATED Thelonious II Noon Position Reports, 2021


Junior Member
I didn't get the email so the fix is about a half-hour late. It says the wind is a breezy 18 knots.

Christian travelled 115 miles in (roughly) 24 hours. He has traveled 1219 miles, 1016 miles to go based on straight-line distances.



Member II
The best was the response he had to not having the throwable at hand and on the ready. "Who would throw it to me?"

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I wonder if someone could put up a Pacific chart segment with his course superimposed on it?


Member I
I had difficulty receiving GOES-17, which covers the west coast US & Hawaii. Unfortunately, it sits low on my horizon and tends to get obstructed by things like my neighbor's houses & such. I get excellent GOES-16 reception but it only offers a peek at the Pacific. This image is two hours old and shows that Christian is likely enjoying a nice wide overcast to go along with the high pressure zone sitting in the Pacific.

edit -- standby, seems my image file was too large (boo!)


Member I
I haven't received any position updates since Thursday. Anyone had any data?

Based on Christian's last published position (Thursday) and Felicia's position today, there's about 1500 nm between them.


Junior Member
He's almost there! Terrestrial coverage of AIS is not good north of Oahu. I think he will come up on Marine Traffic's free service as he moves south. Their free service still shows him near California (last terrestrial fix).

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