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The Common Good

Rob Hessenius

Inactive Member
Sean- You in the past have said that there would be a time for finacial help to maintain the the website. I would like to donate product/items that I could sell to whom and have the proceeds go to the org. I love this site and want it to be at this level of excelence. I have many items that would be of value that would go for the common good. Please let me know. Rob Hessenius E-25

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator

Hi Rob -

I should have replied to this sooner - I'm at the tail end of this roof/attic project - so my attention is a bit distracted...

On fund raising - basically, there is a fund drive in the fall, and those who are so inclined can contribute at that time. We've discussed other methods of fund raising in the past, but because of the wide variety of members (in terms of site use patterns, economic background, etc) it was determined that an annual drive with a very low donation was the best way to go - the feeling was that a very simplified, voluntary structure was the best fit for EY.o at this time...

Before this year's drive, I'm going to create some kind of 'official' policy page to discuss where the money goes, etc (a kind of FAQ/policy page).

Anyhow - on the idea of selling stuff to help fund the site; you're very welcome to post threads to sell items you no longer are using (I assume you're talking about boat stuff here...), but at this point there is really no avenue for donations in forms other than monetary.

I hope this answers your question - if not, let me know.

Thanks your support of EY.o!



Sean, since you're remodeling the attic, can't you just add some more room to stockpile equipment donations ? ;) ;)

Sean Engle said:
Hi Rob -

Anyhow - on the idea of selling stuff to help fund the site; you're very welcome to post threads to sell items you no longer are using (I assume you're talking about boat stuff here...), but at this point there is really no avenue for donations in forms other than monetary.

I hope this answers your question - if not, let me know.

Thanks your support of EY.o!


Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
CaptnNero said:
Sean, since you're remodeling the attic...

Not remodeling, actually - more just 'formalizing' (with insulation and 3/8 plywood) the crawlspaces beyond the knee walls. I'm hoping all this fiberglas I've been installing for the last four weeks makes a difference this winter...

Also - when I moved up here, Meeta told me I had too much 'stuff', and reminded me that like the boat, if there's no room for it, it has to go... :boohoo:

So, I took a look around and said, "...Gee, look at all this unused space!" She says I'm turning this house into another O Barquinho - a never ending list of projects... ;)



attic space

More power to you !

Sean Engle said:
Not remodeling, actually - more just 'formalizing' (with insulation and 3/8 plywood) the crawlspaces beyond the knee walls. I'm hoping all this fiberglas I've been installing for the last four weeks makes a difference this winter...

Also - when I moved up here, Meeta told me I had too much 'stuff', and reminded me that like the boat, if there's no room for it, it has to go... :boohoo:

So, I took a look around and said, "...Gee, look at all this unused space!" She says I'm turning this house into another O Barquinho - a never ending list of projects... ;)
