Save a Battery


Member III
I was on an automotive sight and saw a link for this product, Save a Battery, specifically model #1702.

Link is -

I wonder if it's got any use on our boats for testing or is something else out there that could take it's place. It even says it can desulphinate a battery.

Any idea's?


Junior Viking
I think I posted about this a while back.

I bought the same device you are looking at, plugged my two batteries into it and left it sit all winter on a wood shelf in my basement.

Batteries were ruined. They would not hold a charge.

I contacted the manufacturer,they are not responsible for buying me new batteries. "They have thousands of satisfied customers".

I will never buy another unit from them, but as they say, "Your mileage my vary."



Member III
Jason, looking back at your posts, it looks like it was a different unit made by a different manufacturer.

The unit I'm referring to should only do 1 battery at a time.


The videos did seem high on gloss, low on content. Sorry about the ruined batteries.
