Santa Ana

Lew Decker

Member III
Went out sailing Sunday afternoon and was rail down going out the channel in a cold NW wind - Headed out a few miles and the wind began to fade so we turned around and had a nice reach back, but the wind was still cold - Half-way back down the channel the Santa Ana kicked in - The wind dropped to zero and the temp went up ten degrees and it was like summer sailing in Key West - What a treat -


Up around MDR we had weak winds both Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday it even got so calm that we powered back and yes it was HOT.

Wonderful days :)


Dave G

Member II
Had a nice staedy 12 knot westerly up here in the great NW, Close reach out, close reach back, wind died just as we got back to the slip. Sun was shinning, the beer was cold, what else can you ask for?

Bellingham, WA