Painting Vinyl Winch Holsters

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
An experiment, really. My three-year-old winch holsters looked like this:

winch holsters 3 years.JPG

I bought new ones, and after a year they already looked beat. Mildew scrubs off but the surface is degraded by UV and dirt sticks easily.

winch holsters painted at right.JPG
Left, vinyl holster one year old. Right, 3-year-old holster, painted.

I had painted the three originals with spray paint, but put them away. Now they are installed, and we'll see how long the paint lasts. It certainly returns them to shinier-than-new, at least for a while.

In the past I have sanded and painted a big PVC vinyl cowl with Brightside, and it lasted years.