Navy Dumping Sewage In San Diego Bay!

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Wow - that's horrible. Reminds me of when I lived in SF - and they seemed to have an annual 'accident' which resulted in the dumping of tens of thousands (?) of gallons of sewage into the bay...

Here's the story in pdf (just incase something happens to the link above).



  • SanDiegoSewage.pdf
    32.8 KB · Views: 67

Tom Metzger

Sustaining Partner
Double the fine!

Routine tests at beaches nearby have not shown elevated bacteria levels during the two-year span of the leak, said Mark McPherson, chief of land and water quality for the county Department of Environmental Health.
I would certainly double the fine if the Navy is so sneaky that there is no evidence of damage. That would show them. :devil:


Member II
i really don't think it's any worse than being a stone throw from TJ.

that's why we have boats. so we don't have to go in the water!
