Movie about Essex Upcoming in December

Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Preparing to sail for the Bahamas in three weeks and having just finished reading Moby Dick, I decided to read the dairies of Owen Chase and Thomas Nickerson who were crew on the ill fated whaling ship Essex that was sunk by a whale in 1820 (the inspiration for Mellville's book). A story of survival involving great suffering and eventually canabalism.

In in searching for more info on the two I learned that Ron Howard has just completed a movie about the story, "In The Heart of The Sea" with Chris Hemsworth playing Owen Chase. Due in December, any movie with sailing is something to look forward to (except for Redford's "All is Lost")...:nerd:


Member II
The book is great...!!

The book, "In the Heart of the Sea," by Nathaniel Philbrick, is absolutely fantastic.

Thoroughly researched and documented, this is truly a gripping and fascinating tale of survival against tremendous odds. I highly recommend the read.

Will be interesting to see what Ron Howard did with the movie. The trailer appears to show a bit of poetic license, but we'll see. He's made some great films.

Keep us updated on your Bahamas trip...!!
