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Looking for a sea hood

Warren Casey

Junior Member
E32-2 Sea hood - Manufacturer? Custom?

I'm looking for a sea hood, for an E32, 1971. Who makes them? Manufacturer? What are they called? Sea hood or campanionway hatch cover or?? Any help would be helpful - thanks Warren
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Sustaining Partner
Artful dodger

You are looking for what is called a dodger, and these may be had at any marine canvas shop which does sailboat work (you'll want to ask this question-if they only do powerboats, they will be guessing).

They will measure the boat, build and install the aluminum frame, and cut and fit the canvas around it. Some of the mail order shops may actually have a pattern, but if you someone fairly local, do it that way-you will have someone to work with if there are any fitting adjustments needed! MAke sure you specify the vintage boat so there is no confusion with the new 32!
Stay dry!

Warren Casey

Junior Member
That I have!

I have a dodger. What I am looking for is the fiberglass/wood box in front of the dodger that is attach to the cabin top and covers the companionway hatch while it is open. Most new boat have them - they are part of the cabin top and some have a combing that deflects spray from getting under the dodger. I can build one, but I have seen what looks like a store bought sea hood on a E35 on my dock. I've look all over the web but to no avail. In "The Finely Fitted Yacht" by Ferenc Mate, he calls them a turtle hatch. I looked that up on the web and learned alot about hatching turtles!

1971 E32 Skye


Sustaining Partner


My bad- You are correct-the proper term IS a Sea Hood. My apologies! I do not know of any made specifically for that boat, however.

Sorry and best of luck!


gareth harris

Sustaining Member
On the sailnet archives a couple of years back a source for what you are looking for in Seattle was listed. I just tried a search for it on sailnet, but the archives do not seem to go back that far. But it does exist....

Sorry not to be more help. There is just a chance that a copy of the message might be on my computer, I will look when I get it back from Dell (they have lost it, so don't hold your breath).

Freyja E35 #241 1972