Genoa Cars for 1973 E29: any ideas on replacements?


Member I
Schaefer made the 1" track Genoa Cars on my E29. I would like to buy some extras for backups; however, Schaefer no longer makes the model I have. The old ones look identical to the new Schaefer cars designed for 1 1/4" track. I called Schaefer thinking they may have a few old ones lying around but no such luck. They doubted whether any of their dealers would have them either. They suggested I could upgrade to 1 1/4" track but somehow I'm not too excited about that idea. I've tried other brand cars but they don't slide on the track even though they are 1". Evidently the track is mounted close to the toe rail so most cars just won't slide on this track except the Schaefers. So, I'm throwing this dart out into cyberspace hoping somebody might have a bright idea on solving this little problem!Gardner SouleSeakingHull 251


Contributing Partner
My 30+ has the 1.25" Schaefer cars with the spring that supports the block. The shackles on the bottom of both blocks have frozen up with corrosion. I am planning to replace them with Garhauer blocks. I believe Garhauer makes both the 1" and 1.25" versions.


Member III
Take a look at the Garhauer easy car system. They have been discussed here before and I like mine. A lot of value for $350. No commercial interest, just a happy sailor. Pat
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Member I
My 30+ has the 1.25" Schaefer cars with the spring that supports the block. The shackles on the bottom of both blocks have frozen up with corrosion. I am planning to replace them with Garhauer blocks. I believe Garhauer makes both the 1" and 1.25" versions.

Thanks mherrcat for your reply. I'm amazed that things happen so fast in this world! I have a friend with Garhauer low lead genoa cars on his Bristol and ordered two of them from Mauripro; however, to my disappointment they would not slide onto my track. They were 1" cars but there was insufficient clearance below the track for the car to slide. I tried a similar Schaefer car and it would not slide either. The only car I have located (so far) that works is the Schaefer spring loaded model which is rated at 1750 which I think is inadequate for my jib and boat size. Mauripro claims they THINK the Schaefer cars would do the job but if there is a better option I would like to find it. Thanks again.
Gard Soule


Member I
Take a look at the Garhauer easy car system. They have been discussed here before and I like mine. A lot of value for $350. No commercial interest, just a happy sailor. Pat

Hi SurabyaKid,
I'm amazed that things happen so fast in this world! I have a friend with Garhauer low lead genoa cars on his Bristol and ordered two of them from Mauripro; however, to my disappointment they would not slide onto my track. They were 1" cars but there was insufficient clearance below the track for the car to slide. I tried a similar Schaefer car and it would not slide either. The only car I have located (so far) that works is the Schaefer spring loaded model which is rated at 1750 which I think is inadequate for my jib and boat size. Mauripro claims they THINK the Schaefer cars would do the job but if there is a better option I would like to find it. Thanks again.
Gard Soule


Member III

Give the folks at Garhauer a call...they may be able to work with you on it. From the previous thread, I think one of our members had a similar problem and Garhauer was able to supply cars that fit the track.

I got mine direct, and they asked for the track measurements in advance, so I did not have the clearance problem.



Member I

Give the folks at Garhauer a call...they may be able to work with you on it. From the previous thread, I think one of our members had a similar problem and Garhauer was able to supply cars that fit the track.

I got mine direct, and they asked for the track measurements in advance, so I did not have the clearance problem.


Thanks Pat,
Who knows, I might have the correct cars on order in less than 24 hours after doing the post! You're great to get back so quick. I'll give Garhauer a call.


Member I
Problem solved in 14 hours!


Give the folks at Garhauer a call...they may be able to work with you on it. From the previous thread, I think one of our members had a similar problem and Garhauer was able to supply cars that fit the track.

I got mine direct, and they asked for the track measurements in advance, so I did not have the clearance problem.

Hi again Pat,
Called Garhauer and learned their GAH 3040US genoa cars will fit my Ericson 29 and they are rated at a whopping SWL of 2800 lbs! The Schaefer ones were only 1750. I ordered two pronto! Thanks again for the tip. Working directly with Garhauer made all the difference. I'm doing a four month cruise on the Great Lakes this summer and these new blocks should add an additional layer of security! Thanks again.
Gard Soule


Member III
Genao Track

Check the Genoa track for the trademark. Many Ericsons of that vintage had Merriman tracks. Slightly thicker than Schaefer or Gharhauer.


Member I
Check the Genoa track for the trademark. Many Ericsons of that vintage had Merriman tracks. Slightly thicker than Schaefer or Gharhauer.
Thanks so much Vagabond39. Pat from Kerr Lake, NC suggested I try Garhauer and low and behold they make a car which is perfect. I ordered two yesterday! I'm posting another thread in a minute or two which I expect no resolution for, but who knows with so many knowledgeable sailors out there. Thanks again.
Ericson 29