Fleet Week

Blue Chip

Member III
Not sure if this is the appropriate place for this but....
I have 4 out of state friends plannng a trip to SF for Fleet Week. they are all aviation and Camera nuts...professionals in one or the other, and VERY interested in shooting the Blue Angels etc. from water level.
I'm looking for suggestions, phone numbers etc. of potential boats for hire.
WE are trying to avoid the mob scene with kids that you would find on the ferry type boats or the fishing boats at pier 39 etc. We are looking for something with less than 20 passengers, and so far the best we have found is a six passnger trawler rental (SERAFINA) that does provide a driver.
Athough I don't know the cost yet, it sounds great..
This would give us the opportunity to pack our own sandwiches and soft drinks aboard and stay warm and dry if there is a delay or bad weather or whatever.
I'm open to suggestions and have tried the internet and will try the SF Chamber of Commerce next, but figured someone who has gone out on Fleet week might have seen somebody that interested them.
Thanks for the help for my non-boating Montana friends. Mark


Member III
Not sure if this is the appropriate place for this but....

My list so far includes HORNBLOWER, COMMODORE, POTOMAC, ADVENTURE CAT, BLUE & GOLD, RED & WHITE. We are trying to avoid the mob scene with kids that you would find on the ferry type boats or the fishing boats at pier 39 etc. We are looking for something with less than 20 passengers,


Then none of those choices would suit you. Red/White, Blue/Gold are the two big SF ferry companies; expect major crowds during FleetWeek.

Potomac (beautiful historic vessel) is likely to have many passengers as well; Commodore, Hornblower are 'booze cruisers,' and A-Cat - (both vessels) though a blast to sail on, are inspected vessels for 49-90 passengers, and knowing Capt Hans as I do, he'd be expecting to max out his passenger list both days the Angels fly.

If there are 6 or less guests in your party, you could charter a '6-pak' vessel, ensuring the entire boat is occupied only by you and yours. You might consider placing an ad in Latitude 38, and 'Bay & Delta Yachtsman' seeking a boat and professional skipper. You'll probably get replies from amateurs, but hiring them is illegal unless they have a license, or are willing to hire a skipper who has one.

Other options: Commodore has (or used to have) a 50 foot party boat; you might be able to private charter that vessel, limiting the passenger list only to your party. That may be pricey, though.

You might check with San Francisco Sailing Company (Capt Erik - 415-378-4887). He operates several 6-pak sailboats and one 30 passenger ketch out of Pier 39. If you tell him your primary interest is photography, not sailing, he can arrange an 'upright' motor cruise for your purposes. (Most sailors motor anyway during the festivities.) He may also know of some private motor vessels available for hire.

Capt Dan G>E35II "Kunu"
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