Ericson 23 wanted

Paul Watts

New Member
After reading all the literature and postings I've decided that I'm pretty serious
about buying an E-23. The trouble is I've never even seen one! I'll be travelling
down the west coast from Canada to California this fall and would really like to see one of these boats. Can anybody help? My e-mail is

Mark F

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Hi Paul,

I have a 1968 E23 mk1 in Santa Cruz CA. Drop me a line and you can check it out when you come through.



'76 E23
E23s for sale

About a week ago there were 3 E23s for sale on EBay. One was in Wisconsin and the other two were in Texas. One in Dallas and the other in Austin. I am a 1976 E23 MK 2 owner and can highly recommend the boat. The ones on EBay did not sell so the owners may still have them. I don't know how to get hold of any of them except through EBay so you may try that. They may also be relisted by now. I live in Utah and sail on the Great Salt Lake so would be alittle way out of the way for you to come sailing with me, but you are invited still the same. Anyway good luck and good hunting.

Paul Watts

New Member
I just want to thank you guys for extending my eyes and ears. Unfortunately the boats that are turning up are all too far away from me. I live in British Columbia so I hope to find one on the west coast or maybe as far away as the midwest. Its frustrating to find the right boat at the right price in the wrong place.

Steve Swann

Member III
Why Not Go Long Distance to Buy?

Why make distance a disqualifier? Our experience is that this makes a great X-country adventure! We bought Sea Horse (E25) in FL, had a new trailer built, and trailered it back to Boise, Idaho. The cost savings potentially can far outweigh the "inconvenience" to traveling to get the right boat - and it always makes a nice mini-vacation. Make sure you spend the few bucks for a bona fide marine survey if you do this long distance absentee purchase.