E38 Autopilot / Quadrant Install Help Needed


Member I
we have a 1982 E38 and purchased the controlling equipment for a below deck autopilot to be installed. Now that we have the Ram, they are indicating they can't connect to the existing 2-arm bronze Quadrant. Looking to possibly replace the quadrant with one that will work for a ram. Does anyone have any suggestions or comments? Installers have taken so long to get to this point, we now depart in 6 weeks for our sail down the west coast and needing to get directly ASAP. Thanks for any assistance.


Member II
Modified Quadrant

Not sure if this will help but this is what we did
Boat05052010 027.jpgBoat05052010 029.jpgBoat05052010 030.jpg
The Alum Plate is 0.5inch thick the Tiller Hole was set per the B&G install manual.
The plate is mounted to the quadrant with 6 5/16 bolts.
Has been installed on the boat since 2012 with no issues.
I was able to make the plate at home in one evening so I would think any basic machine shop could make one
in a couple of hours.......


Member III
Blogs Author
I had the same underdeck quadrant constraint on my 1981 E38. I decided to go with a wheel pilot, not an ideal option but it works in my case.


Member I
Thanks for the photos! I was thinking of a very similar solution...it's just finding someone to fabricate/install...couple I spoke to does not want to as they don't want to take liability for the fix. I think it is a good option though.

I did have another question. Does the rudder have positive buoyancy? Did you secure a halyard to the top of the rudder shaft post to keep it from dropping when you pulled the quadrant? It looks to me like the quadrant is not resting on the lower bearing plate, so assume it's either positively buoyant or being supported by another structural member?

Basically trying to understand if the boat has to be hauled to remove the quadrant. Thanks again for the photos!


Member II

I really can't say if a 38's rudder will float or not; on the 39's the rudder has a lower Tang supporting the rudder at all times.
But if I had to do this job in the water the first thing I would do, would be to see if a cord could be rigged to the emergency
tiller drive socket. Then after that I would very carefully remove the quadrant bolt one side at a time leaving a drift pin in each
side after removing the two part quadrant. If I remember the Bolt was a 3/8s and was not tight in the bore.
Hardest part of the job was getting to the four mount bolts on the aft part of the quadrant.
Hope this helps