E34 Spinnaker

Chris Miller

Sustaining Member

I'm sure some of the sailmaker types will have a more detailed view of this, but...
Cruising kites are supposed have the tack sit just above the bow pulpit. So you can calculate your luff length by pythagoras (A Squared + B Squared = C Squared) with your Hoist (I dimension) and your J dimension then subtract out your bow pulpit and subtract an extra 6-12" just for good measure. Then I like a foot dimension of about 160-170%. If you want a "reacher" style kite, keep your mid-girth similar to your Foot length... If you want a "runner", then it should have a deeper mid-girth.
Also, an adjustable tack line is nice... I'm not a big fan of the "ATN Tacker" type things-- they eliminate your rotation if you want to run deeper. Chute scoops are a good thing if you're going to be short handed.
Just my $0.02


Sustaining Partner
E-34 Spinnaker

Most sailmakers use the same or very close to the same formulae to calculate dimensions. For a Crusiing A -Sail, LP will be about 1.6-1.7 x J (160-170%), the Luff will be something close to .85 I, and the leech about 10% less.

Full sized Symetrical or Asymetrical kites will all have an LP or SMW of 1.8 X J.

If you can tell me which 34 you have (King, King, or Schumacher), I can give you some very close #'s. Or you could get an on-line sail quote-which will give you the same thing. All they will need are your I and J measurements.
