E27 Bulkhead Replacement


Junior Member
So after repairnig a couple of leaks I'm replacing my bulk head aft of the head. Has anyone been here before? and would you have any tips or better yet, photos?

Anything would be greatly appriciated!



Member II
Been There

Sean, I've replaced the main bulkhead on my 30+, also two bulkheads on a Bristol. The details of the 30+ job are here on the site. I think it's titled "New Bulkhead". I'd be happy to give any advice that may be pertinent.



Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
You're doing this in the water, right? If so, make sure you loosen the rigging up a lot. You will not want any rig tension on it. I assume you will be leaving the compression post in place? If not you may want to drop the mast or otherwise support the deck. Seems to me youy should be able to remove all the bolts in the headliner, then cut the bulkhead in half (horizontally) and wiggle the halves out... Although the hull side might be tabbed and require cutting. Hopefully you will be able to pull it out pretty easily. Good luck!
