E27 (1973) Crack in Ceiling - Serious?


New Member
I've just acquired a 1973 E27. There is a crack in the ceiling on the starboard side in two places. On the outside of the head and on the inside of the head - two separate supports for the deck.

Attached are photos showing the water stains dripping on either side of the wall between the head and the main cabin. The outside decking looks fine with no apparent damage.

Thoughts anyone? I don't mind the cracks and can clean the water stains. What I'm worried about is does it mean anything structurally? Mast support? Hull integrity?


  • inside head.jpg
    inside head.jpg
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Member II
OLD Bump :)

I've got em too '76 e27.
Thinking might be from water leaking in and freezing or mast compression or ???

Has anyone had this problem and identified the cause??



Member III
Yep. Old age and wear. The water is probably coming from under the handrails, thanks Randy Rutledge for the tip on that one. And it sure does s**k to get them off without an axe. You could 'dress it up' to keep from looking at it, but I feel they will just come back. Lot of stress and movement amidships, but I doubt it's long term serious harm. It probably took a better part of 40 years to develop those cracks.

(Yes, I have them too. I tell people that a shipping container broadsided me on a calm sea travelling at 1/4 knot, catastrophically breaching the hull, which culminated in me barely saving the boat, unlike Redford)..

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
Are you guys at all concerned that it might be leaking into the balsa core, either through the handrails as you are thinking, or through some other deck fitting above that area. From the pictures, it looks as if this has been leaking for awhile. I don't think I would be comfortable until I knew the cause and what other damage it might have done. I agree that it probably isn't structural, unless the bulkhead is starting to rot or the mast step area is rotting, but still, I think it needs fixing.
