E-27 being auctioned off 8-2

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
This was just posted today on the Cascadia List (NW Sailing 'net group):

"A rather beat-up Erickson 27-footer is going to be sold by auction on August 2nd, to help recover unpaid marina fees. This is in the Seattle area.

I doubt it will fetch much money, and needs insubstantial repair to hull scratches an gouges from storm damage. The toe-rail is also damaged. I have not looked inside the boat, but have been told it has a decent diesel engine.
I do not know anything else about this boat.

For details, send email to the marina manager, Lewis Harder at
hvm.harbourvillage@verizon.net "

Posted here in case anyone knows of someone seeking a project on the cheap.
