Custom King 35 lives!


Sustaining Partner
A boat I spent several fun but foggy seasons on, the King Bilge Board 1 Tonner "Terrorist" is being rebuilt as we speak! Martin, I hope you get a kick out of these pics!



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Sustaining Partner

Yeah, I was blown away when I saw this on Sailing Anarchy.

Last I heard she was corroding away in some backwood swamp (and that was over the past 15+ years!), so this has to be a pretty serious effort.

I did several PORC, San Diego Races and Whitney Series on the boat back in the day, and as I know you know, upwind she was unbeatable!

BTW- it was posted in the "Most Disturbed IOR Design" forum:0 if you want to follow what else is posted...



Member I
A boat I spent several fun but foggy seasons on, the King Bilge Board 1 Tonner "Terrorist" is being rebuilt as we speak! Martin, I hope you get a kick out of these pics!

you don't happen to have any old photos of the boat or al cassel?


Sustaining Partner
Sorry no pix

Hi Paul,

Sadly no. The boat had been donated to UCI when I sailed it (I sailed for UCI back in the day). I was about 21 years old and had girls and sailing onmy ind-not so much for pictures. Sorry.



Member I

Hi Paul,

Sadly no. The boat had been donated to UCI when I sailed it (I sailed for UCI back in the day). I was about 21 years old and had girls and sailing onmy ind-not so much for pictures. Sorry.

hi seth,
no problem. it was just a stab in the dark. al's son, carter, graciously sent a nice 8 x10. did al donate the boat?DSCN3235.jpgDSCN3230.jpgDSCN3232.jpgDSCN3238.jpgDSCN3231.jpg
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Sustaining Partner
Donated by.............

Honestly can't remember if it came from the Cassels or not. I think not because at the time we had the boat they owned and were sailing the Chance 50 "Warrior", so my guess is it came from a subsequent owner.


Member III
I don't have anything on Terrorist, but I posted these on another thread about our boat that is named Hawkeye...


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Member III
Sorry for the confusion. We own an Ericson/Olson 911 named Hawkeye. In the previous thread that I started after we bought it, it was brought up that there was a well known Bruce King design also named Hawkeye. Somewhere I had found this information on Hawkeye and Aggressive so I posted it to that thread.

Since this thread is about your rebuild of Terrorist I thought they were also fitting here.


Sustaining Partner
King Bilgeboarders

Terrorist: 35'
Aggressive II: 37/38' (but always referred to as a 40?)
Hawkeye: 48'

Supposedly there is another one in Sweden, which I think was like Terrorist, but I have no idea what it is up to (or if it still floats) these days. This is unconfirmed.

Seth Out
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Sustaining Partner
That's right!

I totally forgot about that "episode":). Thanks Martin.

BTW- do you have any knowledge of the boat in Europe that supposedly was like Terrorist?



Member I

I totally forgot about that "episode":). Thanks Martin.

BTW- do you have any knowledge of the boat in Europe that supposedly was like Terrorist?


i think this is the boat you're referring to. i believe this info came from sailing anarchy or maybe



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Sustaining Partner
That would be the one!

Thanks Paul-
Certainly looks like it. Was this maybe a fin keel version (sans bilgeboards)? I see something by the mast on the lee side, but it does not look exactly like the deck slots on Terrorist, which I recall as being fwd of the mast. Any thoughts Martin?
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Member I

Thanks Paul-
Certainly looks like it. Was this maybe a fin keel version (sans bilgeboards)? I see something by the mast on the lee side, but it does not look exactly like the deck slots on Terrorist, which I recall as being fwd of the mast. Any thoughts Martin?

i believe that i have some literature around here from bruce king(that came w/ the boat) that mentions that popeye was also a bilgeboarder.


Sustaining Partner

OK- sounds good-I just don't see the slots where I would expect them.

BTW-horrible trim on the boat! Too much sail/heel/rudder angle! Get those folks back on the rail, drop the leads back on the genoa (or go down to a #3), and blade out that main! That is a great picture of how NOT to sail!~

Now, I hope the owner is not reading this!:newwink:



Member I
OK- sounds good-I just don't see the slots where I would expect them.

BTW-horrible trim on the boat! Too much sail/heel/rudder angle! Get those folks back on the rail, drop the leads back on the genoa (or go down to a #3), and blade out that main! That is a great picture of how NOT to sail!~

Now, I hope the owner is not reading this!:newwink:


hahaha. if there still is one.