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Cruising Chesapeake Bay in August


Member III
I am studying Shellenberger's Chesapeake Bay cruising book to develop itinerary for a mid August trip to Chesapeake Bay. It is not the ideal time weather wise but would like to make the best out of it. Other than the heat, light wind, PM thunderstorms, Shellenbeeger recommends starting the cruise from the north to avoid sea nettles. Their migration pattern is salinity driven, so in an average, how far north do these lovely creatures cease to bother swimmers? Is Annapolis far enough?

Jeff T.
Ericson 32-3
New Bern, NC
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Sustaining Member
Hi Jeff, I am located at Herrington Harbor North - about mid-Chesapeake Bay and I have noticed a larger than usual amount of nettles this time of year. The usual suggestion is the further north the better. Not knowing where you are beginning from, the best answer is anything north of the bay bridge should be relatively nettle lite.

Mark "Souleman" Soule


Member I
Hi Jeff,

I you are doing a trip with kids and looking to maximize swim time, I have an inflatable loop with netting - a "Nettle Net" that we used to use when anchoring when the girls were young.

As a fellow Ericson owner, you would be qualified for the mid Chesapeake loaner program if you have the need and would be helpful.

You can look the net up online. It is a reasona ble size and mostly worth the effort of set up in a have season or south in the bay.



Member III
Thank you Mark and Stuart,

My last bay trip was a delivery trip from Harrington Harbor South to Oriental, NC in early spring with overnight stops at Solomon's Island and Deltaville. I hope to visit eastern shore towns at leisure pace and absorb the rich history of the area while building up cruising skills. It appears most well known such destinations are south of the bay bridge.

The secondary motivation is be away from the North Carolina coastal water during the peak hurricane season (late Aug to Sept), been through too many of those in the last 10 years and it is no fun. Perhaps the trip (eastern and western) shores will discover few safe harbors to leave the boat for a week or so. Someone got to come home to mow the lawn.

Jeff T.
Ericson 32-3
New Bern, NC


Member III
I am leaving work early today and heading south. Maybe Hart Miller Island or Dobbins island for the night then sail back tomorrow. If anyone is out and about, give me a shout.