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Asking for advise on E41


New Member
I am from Orcas Island and have an accepted offer on a 1969 E41. I was wondering if anyone has advice about things to watch out for during survey..... general thoughts on the sailling characteristics..... or just a word of advice. You can see my last boat at .... An Ericson 41 is a bit of a departure from the old one.
Thanks so much for any advice,

gareth harris

Sustaining Member
Since no E41 owner has fielded this one, I will pass on what I saw when I once looked at buying a 1970 E41. I am not a licensed surveyor, but I do know enough to really annoy a broker who doesn't like potential customers taking over an hour to poke into every nook and cranny bow to stern.

The main chainplates were originally glassed into the bulkhead, which in this boat had caused significant rot. The previous owner had moved them and bolted them to the hull, there was some discussion here as to whether that had been a good idea.

There were soft spots in the deck around the mast. Although keel stepped, water appeared to have entered the deck there.

There were the usual upgrades required of that vintage Ericson - they were built well, but not perfectly. Wiring obsolete, through hulls and gate valves to spoil your sleep, flimsy hand rails, and other items I am guessing you can figure out for yourself based on your last boat (lovely picture).

Overall, I thought the boat was very well built and doing well for the age (2004) despite some neglectful owners. Nice layout for sailing rather than dockside socialising, ample room for storage, comfortable berths for underway, and a nice area for the galley and salon, although the stove/fridge/plumbing etc needed upgrading. The bulkheads seemed solid, and no structural problems at all. Maybe I should have bought her, but I decided that was a few feet too many for me - everything becoming bigger, heavier, and more expensive to me would make it less enjoyable.

That is about all I can remember, I hope it is somewhat useful.

As for sailing, there has not been much talk of the E41 here, but I have yet to hear any Ericson owner say a bad word about handling characteristics under sail. Under power, sometimes, but never under sail.

I hope it works out for you.

Freyja E35 #241 1972

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
A "Bermuda 40" cutter?
The interior, hull material description, and deck layout all look quite different than the pics of E-41's I have seen. Way different than the one I visited aboard, too.



Member III
A "Bermuda 40" cutter?
Way different than the one I visited aboard, too.


I agree. To my jaundiced eye, B. Tripp and B. King held rather different ideas about sailboat design. Tripp loved wide flush decks and 'bubble' tops; King's sweeping shears are his own trademark.

However, the E41 and B-40 (all of yawl rig that I've seen) are both beautiful looking ships in their own right.

Capt Dan G>E35II "Kunu"