Any One heard of Kirie Sailboats


Member I
I just saw a 31' Kirie Elite Feeling. This was a beautiful boat but I know nothing about them. Searched the internet,but could find no real solid info. any help? Thanx Nic


Member II
There are a few around the Northwest. I have done a lot of work on a 1990 Kirie Elite 36 named "Dreamtime". These boats are French design. Popular in Europe , most are made in France but they had a factory in Ontario Canada as well. This boat was built there.

The 36 is very well built. Solid hull, synthetic core deck, well tabbed bulkheads, no liner, lead keel and easy to work on! Similar in quality to a C&C, this boat has an Elm interior. The boat is a good sailor;very fast downwind. It rates 128 phrf and sails well to that rating in Bellingham.

Dal Farias
Mobile Sea Repair
E39 "Stillwater"