Air Force Sails for E28+


Sustaining Partner
Air Force Sails

Of all the"mail order" sailmakers, they are better than most. But come on! You don't own a McGregor, you own an Ericson! The boat deserves better than that.

The biggest problem with this type of sail purchase (other than negatively affecting your boats' value) is that if there is any problem (and trust me, there often is with sails) you are on your own. Nobody will come down to the boat and see what the problem is and fix it for you.

Your best bet is to go with a name brand sailmaker (for quality and value of your boat), but in your area so they can come and measure the boat FIRST, then be there for aftermarket support. If you don't have one nearby, but DO have a local guy with a good reputation, use him for the same reason.

It is definitely worth the 10-20% premuim for the better sail and local support (and maintaining your resale value). Any savy buyer will pay more for a boat with new Quantum, North, Doyle, even UK sails than he/she would for one with new mail order sails. It's a fact-not that I have a strong opinion on the subject......

Cheers! :egrin:
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