34-2 for sale


Member III
As posted earlier, I have put my Ericson 34-2 up for sale. I am going to drop my asking price and accepting offers. I had an good opportunity to purchase my new sailboat so that is what I did but it was not my intent to upkeep two sailboats but here I am. I am hoping to have my Ericson with a new owner before spring, if possible. I have one solid interest right now but they need to sell their current sailboat before making an offer and they live in Wisconson... I am not sure if they thought through the trucking costs which I have heard is expensive.
I have sailed her nearly every weekend this past year - I guess I was pandamic overloaded and needed out more, and I have refitted / upgraded many items on the sailboat in the last 5 yrs. Please let me know if you know of anyone that might be interested. I will make sure it is a good deal and a great opportunity.

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Member III
Funny - while my sailboat was for sale, I would drive up towards the sailboat to periodically check on her while on the hard and almost every time, I thought how nice the lines of the hull looked and I ask myself, why am I selling her again?…