1975 ericson 25ft sailboat with trailer - $800 (Menominee MI)

I do not own or have personal knowledge of this boat but found it on Craigslist and about an hour from my home if anyone is interested I may be persuaded to go take a peek for a prospective buyer.

Copy and paste into your browser https://up.craigslist.org/boa/5670875646.html

1975 Ericson 25ft sailboat.
Needs to be assembled inside but floats and is solid. Has a 2000lb lead keel.! Comes on a solid compression brake trailer.


Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
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Blogs Author
Reminds me of a cartoon about a Russian Trabant automobile on sale in a Moscow showroom.

Car looked nice in the photo.

Sign above said, "All Moving Parts Slightly Extra."
It is amazing how many times I see this scene while driving around. Out in the middle of the mitten (Michigan Lower Peninsula) i find them along farmers fields. Setting there rotting. I have been given and acquired sailboats of various sizes and condition for free and little of nothing be it beer money or scrap value. Usually I buy the trailer and get the boat for free. Some need a lot of work where I can salvage what I can off the boat and flip the trailers quickly.

I went to an auction last year and bought an Alberg 35 for one dollar. It had a brand new Yanmar Diesl in it that I wanted for my E27.

This boat and trailer can most likely be bought for $250 or maybe even less.
A guy showed up late to the auction. The auction was very close to the Eastern/Central time line and he said that he was thinking the auction was in central time. He wanted the boat real BAD! So I sold it.

Story was the previous owner had just installed the engine when he had a "problem" and the boat was pushed up on the rocks stern first. We all know what that means. Rudder and sails were missing, the interior was real poor. It had been outside on the hard for over five years.