1971 Ericson 23 mk1


New Member
I've never owned a sailboat before and I purchased this one but every thing has been removed except cushions and table so I was wondering if anyone had any pics of inside of an 1971 E 23 mk1 so I can restore back and can someone tell me what the drain hole is under boat it has a small propeller in it that freely spins
thank you . Or an owners manual would be great!

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
I've never owned a sailboat before and I purchased this one but every thing has been removed except cushions and table so I was wondering if anyone had any pics of inside of an 1971 E 23 mk1 so I can restore back and can someone tell me what the drain hole is under boat it has a small propeller in it that freely spins
thank you . Or an owners manual would be great!

You can download some E-23 documents like specs and a brochure here: http://www.ericsonyachts.org/infoexchange/vbdownloads.php?categoryid=9

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author

Here's the trick: Google your question and include the words 'Ericson forum' .

For example, 'How to Tune a Mast Ericson Forum'.

That will bring up not only many threads on the topic from the entire Internet, but it will also effectively also search this forum.

For Ericson-specific info, of course, this is the place for the nitty gritty--and also good company.