Good read and free to boot


Member III
Blogs Author
Yeah, I agree! Read it a couple of years ago. Good story about a complete noob buying a boat, then sailing around the world. I believe he had a full keel heavy displacement Crealock. During my boat search, I kept thinking back to his commentary on how he wished he had a faster boat that pointed better...


Member III
I've been avoiding all forms of e-readers. I was given one as a gift and downloaded this book: "Confessions of a Long-Distance Sailor" as my first attempt at non-dead-tree reading. It went better than I grumpily expected. I can now see how a Kindle would be an excellent supplement to an on board library. I even downloaded some Plutarch in homage to Christian.

I just finished "Confessions of a Long-Distance Sailor" a month ago. I enjoyed it. I wish the author would have spent more time talking about the ports he visited. He skipped descriptions on quite a few. But, he embraced his adventure and learned from it. I found him a generally likeable and sensible person. It had many similarities with this book: However, i
n "Breaking Seas" the protagonist is a misogynist who comes away with absolutely no lesson from his adventure.

Try "Confessions...." avoid "Breaking Seas."