
  1. mherrcat

    Perfection my a** -- what happened?

    I've been working on refurbishing my boom and was at the point of putting on the first coat of Perfection. Sanded the final coat of Epoxy Primecoat, vacuumed the dust, wiped the boom down with lacquer thinner. Mixed up a small amount of the Perfection according to directions in correct ratio...
  2. Steve

    What happened in Boothbay?

    Any word on this from our downeast Maine folks? http://www.boston.com/news/local/maine/articles/2008/11/04/massive_waves_a_mystery_at_maine_harbor/
  3. R

    Never happened (RE: Cooling problem on M25)

    Hi, all, sorry - pressed a wrong button and posted a new thread... Back to the M25 cooling issue: this problem never happened on Fire Eater, so I thing Geoff is right - something is wrong with the cooling system. Water pumps - either raw water or fresh - may be out of order, for example...