
  1. O

    Maine Ericson Owners Association?

    Does anyone know how to join the Maine Ericson Owner's Association? We just bought an Ericson and want to join! We live in NH. Thanks.
  2. D

    Ericson Owner's Association

    Anything new about starting an Ericson Owner's Association? I can imagine how cool the burgee could look... I remember seeing some posts about it last year, just wondered if there was any follow up. I think it's a great idea.
  3. T

    National Ericson Owners Association

    95 of us responded to the poll on the National Ericson Owners Association and just over 75% of us indicated that we wanted to form a National Ericson Owners Association. I would think that now is the time to start the association before we all go sailing. The one reoccurring reason I saw...
  4. Sean Engle

    EY.c Future: Toward a National Ericsons Owers Association?

    Here's yet another good question: Assuming costs are kept very nominal - would you like to see the formation of a "National Ericson Owners Association"? Would you involve yourself in it to whatever degree if it was formed? Lots of people have been calling for this - and it's actually not...