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Future of SailNet & EYOA Formation

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator

Sailnet is having some issues and may or may not be going under (it is not clear at this writing). Because of this, the Sailnet Ericson Mail List may cease to function and possible alternatives are being sought - including this site and the discussed parent organization, the Ericson Yachts Owners Association (EYOA)

So - after a long delay (classes, finals and studios I'm taking) I will finally be pulling together those names of those users who indicated interest in joining the EYOA Steering Committee and emailing them this evening.

If you are interested in joining the committee, please email me seperately at:


Original Sailnet Email Thread follows:

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Shannon Engle []
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:09 AM
To: Ericson
Subject: RE: [ericson] Sailnet - EYOA

Yes, that's correct, a lot of interest (the poll mentioned and thread are out on - under Announcements & Discussions - here's the link:

Basically - of 98 respondents, 75%+ said they would be interested in an inexpensive, SIMPLE, national owners group. I received a bunch of mail during/following the PSC event at Christmas showing interest and regular mail since. At Port Townsend a bunch of people talked to me about it as well.

So, I'll pull together an email list of those who indicated interest and qualify and send out a preliminary document this evening so a committee can be pulled together. If you're interested in working with the steering committee, send me a note. Otherwise, I should have something off my desk by later tonight (I have to run to Tacoma this afternoon/evening, but will be back by 9 pm or so...). A copy of this will also be posted to the EY.o boards...


-----Original Message-----
From: Geoffrey Johnson []
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 9:40 AM
To: Ericson
Subject: Re: [ericson] Sailnet

Sean, as I recall you ran a poll of some sort on the site. What were the results? I'd be happy to contribute and/or help.

Sean Shannon Engle wrote:

>Ummmm, well - not to beat a dead horse (not that I would ever do such a
>thing), but these are the kinds of issues that have been brought up before.
>Perhaps it's time for the Ericson owners to close ranks and invest
>(time/effort) in a vehicle that is strictly within the group's control
>and interest...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: loren beach []
>Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 9:23 AM
>To: Ericson
>Subject: Re: [ericson] FW: [candc] Sailnet forums / store update
>Time to get the life raft up on deck, secure the lanyard, and get the
>abandon-ship bag out. Everyone into PFD's or Gumby suits! Update our
>VHF call from pon pon to Mayday and include our lat and lon!
>On Jul 19, 2005, at 9:14 AM, David Lind wrote:
>>The site has a banner page that says "Checkout is currently disabled.
>>. ." Not a good sign when they won't take your money!
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Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
EYOA Doc Delayed...

Sorry - but I ended up not getting back last night until 11 pm, and it was just too late to create the list and doc. I'll take care of it this evening when I return.


Dan Hayes

Member III
Email, SailNet, etc.

Hi -

I'm a new Ericson 28+ owner (been a month now). I'd like to see this site become more of an asset to myself and other Ericson owners. If you need a hand making the site work, or setting up an e-mail room, or if there's something I can otherwise do to help, please feel free to contact me.

Here's my contact info:

Dan Hayes
E28+ Scheherazade
(949) 378-5878
21832 Northwood Lane
Lake Forest, CA 92630

Thanks and good luck.


PS - I think I got one of the last SailNet orders in - ordered a new VHF w/DSC and a few other things right before they shut the site down. It's too bad, they were great at one time, and despite inconsistent service, I sure saved a lot of money with them at one time.

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Hey Dan -

Thanks very much - congrats on the purchase of your boat. The Steering Committee emails were sent out - and I've received all the replies (except one, I think).

So, in about two weeks, once this quarter ends, I'm going to start chatting with this group and then we'll start making some decisions. Everyone has been very patient and the interest has continued - so it will all get done (I think the SN failure is an interesting 'distraction').

Anyhow - thanks very much for your kind offer. I'll add your name to the list of technical people interested in assisting, and once the EYOA-SC can chat, we'll go from there...
