E25 Picture on Website Home Page


John Olsen
Blogs Author
I just saw the E25 CB picture roll through on the home page website. It appears to be a picture of a brand new E25 being launched, but kinda hard to tell and when I downloaded it as the picture is very small and becomes blurry when zoomed.

It is so hard to find original pictures of an E25 CB from brochures or launches and if this is original I would love a full sized copy to look at. I have downloaded all the brochures on the website and love those.


Any idea if this is from a 1970s's new boat launch? Or brochure? Does the website have a full sized picture?

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Contributed to the site a number of years ago by a site member, IIRC.
Sean might be able to look at site history and see who sent it, but that's a long shot at best since it's long ago separated from any accompanying source info.
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Sustaining Member
Yes! Google it!

A great activity for when you just can't get focused on something productive that really needs to be done!

You never know who has uploaded pictures or original documents to the web. Also the pictures of your model may show some neat ideas for upgrades or modifications.

I do it randomly just to see if I can dig up one of the other 32 E36RHs that were built.

Imagine my surprise finding two pics of my 1981 E36RH from way back to it's original name. These pics from Marina Del Rey, CA. pre 1995.


I can still see the faint paint outline of VENTAJA on my transom and the spots where the holes for the windvane were filled. I bought the boat from the fourth owner in Santa Barbra, CA and shipped it to the Chesapeake in 2011.


Glyn Judson

Old photos of your boat.

Mark, Good on you, it's always great fun to run into historical items such as those photos from long ago. Glyn Judson, E31 hull #55, Marina del Rey CA


John Olsen
Blogs Author
What an incredible find! I would love to come across an old picture of my boat from her early days. I am sure the owners took pictures, but if there 40 year old pictures are like mine the colors are dying away and they probably would be hard to look at anyway. Nice thing about the digital age I guess.

Glad to see that others share the enjoyment of image searching for boats. Gives me lots of great ideas and inspiration. Many an enjoyable hour spent looking at boat pictures and dreaming.....