
  1. gargrag

    Finally tackling that mushy core.

    After considering cutting corners with injectadeck, with the help of @trickdhat I decided to finally tackle the re-coring of my e25+. Previous owner loved to use regular silicone to bed fittings and seal gaps :( Now we are attacking the starboard side, which was the one in worst shape. also...
  2. Scyph

    Recoring or repairing the deck on the bow of an Ericson 27

    I just recently bought an Ericson 27 at a rock bottom price. She has a huge soft spot on the bow and ripped-out cleats. My neighbors suspect that the core on the bow is rotten and needs replacement. I messed a little with the cleat holes. They are patched over with shoddy patches (duct...
  3. Loren Beach

    Extensive E-27 Re-coring Project Link to an extensive deck re-coring project on an early E-27. Made me tired just reading it! LB