
  1. Internet-Accessible Boat Telemetry & DIY Shipboard Electronics

    E381 Internet-Accessible Boat Telemetry & DIY Shipboard Electronics

    On adding modern telemetry to old boats. It’s raining buckets in the San Juan Islands right now. Not so in my garden in San Francisco, where rain would be welcomed like a visiting dignitary. But from where I sit, I can see both wan California winter sunlight and that the bilge pump in S/V...
  2. toddbrsd

    The Internet is Awesome

    The information you can find on the internet is awesome. I am going to tell a true story using terminology I learned in the last couple of hours, while getting my google on! On Monday, I acquired a 9' fiberglass lapstrake sailing dinghy, or should I refer to it as a catboat? The dinghy came...
  3. Mikebat

    Excellent 3G internet at Two Harbors

    That's the connection speed I got this past weekend moored at Isthmus Cove. I use Verizon Wireless Broadband, and have the UM175 USB adapter, which is plugged into a Cradlepoint PHS-300 Persona Hot Spot WiFi router. PHS-300. (Oh darn! How come tags don't work?)
  4. C

    Wireless Internet

    I would like to know what wireless network gear works best on a cruising sailboat. I'm not talking here about cellular service or satellite but just wireless network connectivity. Is there a long range card/router/antenna system that would find available wireless 801g (or a or b) networks...