
  1. G

    Anchor Locker Flooding

    Hi I recently bought a 1984 35ft Mark III. During heavy rain the anchor locher floods, clearly I have a blockage in the drain for the locker. Has anyone solved this problem before, if so any quick tips to share with a very excited new boat owner. Thanks Gibbo
  2. G

    Cockpit drains flooding back while sailing

    Hi All, Has anyone solved the problem of cockpit drains filling the cockpit with water while sailing. The boat is an E35/3 & the outboard drains at the aft end of the cockpit on the leeward side backfill so there is about 4" of water right in the lower corner of the cockpit while healing ...
  3. Loren Beach

    Back Flooding thru bilge pump??

    After a hard sail a couple nights ago, I found about a half inch of water wandering around the bilge sections. We had been sailing a couple of hours with the full main and 135, in about 15 kts of breeze. Lots of time at 8 knots on the speed guage, and the stern wave up a foot on the transome...