Recent content by Tom Dilworth

  1. T

    Got Design Questions?

    Hi Martin, I have a 1967 Ericson 30, “Ellie”, which I love and have sailed to Mexico and recently Alaska. But as I’m sure you know, the propeller shaft exits the boat above and behind the rudder. This placement is unusual to say the least and allows the shaft and engine to be nearly...
  2. T

    E30 photos ?

    Hi Gengel, I found a pretty good picture of my rudder that will help you. Send me your email address and I’ll get it to you.
  3. T

    E30 photos ?

    Hi Gengel, I have a haul out photo of my boat, but it’s really hard to see the detail, plus I altered the rudder from the original. I extended the cabin by 7” and therefore the cockpit is shorter and I made the rudder more vertical so the tiller would have more room to swing. Seems to work...
  4. T

    E30 photos ?

    Gengel, article June 2022.
  5. T

    E30 photos ?

    Hi Gengel, I have a 1967 Ericson 30 which I’ve gone through top to bottom, including rebuilding the rudder. They are good boats and well worth owning. I’m currently on my way to Alaska and it may take me a day or two to round up whatever I have. I’ll get back to you. By the way, there...
  6. T

    In Latitude 38, A beautiful 1967 Ericson 30

    Hi Mark, It looks like it won’t work out at this end here in Newport- too much family stuff planned each day and I’ll think I’ll need to leave for Tillamook or Astoria on Monday to catch the good weather. I imagine I’ll be in Astoria at least a week, but that‘s probably too far for you to...
  7. T

    In Latitude 38, A beautiful 1967 Ericson 30

    Loren, I’m not sure, but definitely Astoria. What’s it like going up the Columbia? What’s the current, and is there wind? Are we talking a three day motorboat ride? Thanks in advance for your input. Tom
  8. T

    In Latitude 38, A beautiful 1967 Ericson 30

    Hi Mark, I would love to hang out in the fog (actually today was pretty nice) here with you, but I’m in the midst of formulating my plans- I have relatives here and my daughter and her family are coming up in a few days for a few days on a roadtrip north. I’ll get back with you in a day or two...
  9. T

    In Latitude 38, A beautiful 1967 Ericson 30

    Hi Shankara, I remember you very well and enjoyed the short time we hung out. Currently Ellie is In Newport, Oregon- next stop Columbia River, and all is going great- I have complete faith in my Ericson 30 and her ability to handle whatever nature dishes out, though I must admit on this trip...
  10. T

    1967 Ericson 30 Chainplate Inspection

    1967 Ericson 30 I removed the chainplates in my 1967 Ericson 30, because I'm doing a complete rebuild and don't want to leave any stone unturned. It turns out that they were in excellent condition, although I replaced them with new ones anyway. It's a dirty and itchy job because they are...
  11. T

    E30 skeg and rudder fell off

    1967 Ericson 30 Hi Paul--I'm not sure if my E-mail about your boat got sent. If it didn't, E-mail me, Tom Dilworth, at: